
The following data is arranged alphabetically by surname and given name. It includes limited information from the main Bayha Family data base maintained by the webmaster. The file presented here is limited to those with the Bayha surname, and includes over 860 individuals living and deceased. Please refer to this web site’s Privacy page regarding info on living persons. Should you need access to more complete information on an individual or wider family tree access, please see the other options discussed below, such as Ancestry, My Heritage, etc.

All Surnames

621 individuals

Work on the Bayha family tree is frequently “synchronized” and saved on Therefore, Ancestry has the most up-to-date family tree info available and it is permanently saved there for other genealogy researchers present or future. If you are a member of Ancestry, you can access the tree any time. It is called BAYHAS2022 and currently has information on over 4,300 individuals. To access the tree, you must first search on a specific individual among the Public Trees. If BAYHAS2022 doesn’t appear in the resultant search, select “View All” to see if your individual is in BAYHAS2022.

Unfortunately, non-members are unable to view the tree. To obtain a lookup in BAYHAS2022 contact This is a no-cost option and applies only to BAYHAS2022, not anything else on Ancestry.

Work is also saved on as a backup site and as an alternate research avenue. For full access, a paid membership is required. However, users can obtain a “Basic” membership free of charge.  This allows access with some limitations.

On this site, the tree is Called “BAYHAS2021(1). The number in parentheses is the latest revision of the calendar year. This is not updated as frequently as the Ancestry site, but also contains a research function that is sometimes more useful than Ancestry’s.

At this time, we are unable to do lookups on MyHeritage and do not plan on updating it in the future.

Direct Contact

For those seeking specific individual information, no subscription of any kind is necessary. Please feel free to e-mail with your questions.


As of this writing (September 2021) the main basic tree includes over 4,300 individuals, both those with the Bayha surname and other related lines.. We do our best to ensure that the data on each person is correct and sources known. However, we strongly encourage users to let us know if any corrections are needed. Please e-mail us any time to point out any additional or different info you may have. Your input will be greatly appreciated.

“Lincoln” by Edwin F. Bayha, 1909